Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Goodbye July!

Oh my gosh where has the month gone? I am going to have a baby sometime in the next 12 weeks.........!!!? This month started out with Sean and I celebrating our one year anniversary on the 4Th. I made stars and strips french toast and we had breakfast as a family. Later that day we left Jake with grandma so that Sean and I could go out to dinner at the cheesecake factory. After dinner we hung out with Sean's sisters and their hubbies and watched fireworks.
This was my belly on the July 4Th I was 24 weeks pregnant.

In this last month we have done so much and it seems like we have done so little. We bought a crib and the paint for the baby's room but have not yet finished the room in any way. I still have my computer in here. We came to a final decision on the name of our daughter. Madison Rose Tharp. We have what we think is grass growing in the backyard.....LOL this is a huge accomplishment if you consider we have been trying to get grass back there for almost a year. Both of us have been working hard at work but due to the times I think Sean is looking for a part time second job. It seems we take two steps forward and one step back. However it is lots of fun and we always seem to have what we need even if we are giving up what we want more often.
It has been a full month with lots of good memories, and I can not wait for what August has in store.