Monday, February 25, 2008

"A great start to 2008"

Hey fellow blogger's,
I thought I would break down and get one of these things since almost everyone I know has one. I thought myspace was the cool place to be but blogspot has become the "mature myspace" and my extended family can now stay in touch with what is going on in the Tharp household.
So right off the bat we have" HUGE NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!" We are Pregnant with baby number two.
As quick as this news came we realized that not only is timing everything but it is nothing. We sometimes in life stress about timing, but we should know that time only makes your body older it does not make things right or wrong nor does it change the fact that money is just paper. There are moments when time stands still and there is only love. It is in those moments that this baby was created.
Life will find a way. We are so excited to be able to go through this experience together for a second time and we pray for nothing but a healthy life and eternal future as a family.


Stacy said...

Hey girly... so excited you have a blog. I am gonna link you on mine so if I spell your name wrong just let me know. -)

Jamie said...

We are sooooo excited for you Britt! I want to know as soon as you do as to what the sex of the baby is:)

Love ya,

DJ said...

Congratulations! I was on Jamie'sl blog when I noticed yours. I was thinking about you yesterday and wondering how life was treating you and your I know. We are excited for you and we'll see you at the bridal shower. Love Debbie Juchau