Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Life goes on!

I am Going to the doctor on Monday. I called a friend who works for a Del Webb OBGYN and had her calculate my due date. I am due November 5th 2008!
I want a girl of course however Sean seems to think that another boy then a girl is the order he prefers. I am not sure we will every agree that this baby should be a girl but one thing we can agree on is that we will not care either way, and we will eventually have one more.
On another note I am trying to figure out how to make this cold go away without taking any medicine. I am miserable to say the least. I love it when no matter how much sleep I get at night or how much I want to sleep in I am not at all the boss of when its time to get up. Jake is the boss and at 6:00am this morning I wanted to lock him in the closet I was so tired and his cute little face looked at me and said "mom but I awake" I could not help but laugh. He was right he was awake and I was not allowed to be selfish. :) I am however trying to get better. Those of you who have talked to me know I have no voice and I am coughing uncontrollably. If you have any home remedies that may help besides sleep and drink fluid please let me know.
All in all life rocks right now I am happy and my family is awesome. I am doing good at work and enjoying still being able to be home with Jake all day. Sean is also doing very well at work and enjoying his time with Jake while I work.
We are determined to have Jake out of diapers by his birthday and so Sean and I have developed a routine that is working for all of us and we are making steady progress.
If I could get better life would be almost perfect, however I know that weather I am better or not life must go on.


Jamie said...

My babies have been sick also:( I hope you get to feeling better soon! We miss you

DJ said...

Jake is adorable. Is he going to be 2 or 3? Devon is going to one in three weeks, time really flies.