Monday, August 11, 2008

Madison's Nursery

So this weekend we were able to get started on Madison's Nursery. It started out as white as it could be but with a little help from Jake and the tape we ended up with something very purple.

Krystle putting on the first coat of grape.
Grandma making sure the corners are perfect.

On the top we did lavender and I painted most of it with the help of Sean the next morning. It will need a second coat on the top and touch up in the corners and edges but it is almost done. The paint that is. As for the room we still need to add the chair rail and lots of green accessories.
We also need move in her dresser and changing table and pick out the bedding for her crib. (something with whites and greens in it for sure) I can not wait to get it all done and bring her home to sleep in it.

Jake growing up tooth by tooth!

Jake had his first dentist appointment this morning. He was such a good boy. He followed the doctors directions and liked feeling like a big boy. I was very proud of him.
He was very excited to have clean teeth with no cavities and nothing to worry about.
He sat so still. :)

It is so much fun to watch him ask questions and follow directions. He is getting so big so fast.

In the last two weeks we have had a doctors appointment and a dentist appointment and he did great at both.

Jake wanted to give his baby sister a hug this morning and I just had to capture the moment. So I asked him to hug her again so that mommy could take a picture.
That is my belly at 30 weeks.