Monday, July 13, 2009

Jakes Birthday Party and 4th of July

We could not have asked for a better week. Jake's party was the 27th. It was amazing to see the turn out and see the excitement on Jake's face when he saw the back yard set up like a splash park with the sprinkler, kids pool, water balloons and squirt guns. He was so excited all his friends where there. He had so many presents. It was a blast. Then the excitement continued at the circus on the 28th. It was his first time and Sean had never been either so it was a good family outing for us full of firsts. Sean and I both had short weeks at work. We both had Friday Saturday and Sunday off for the our anniversary which was the 4th. On Friday Sean and I went to breakfast and then saw the movie the Hangover. It was very funny. We are so glad we were able to get out without the kids so that we could go see it. It was worth it.
Then Saturday the 4th was our anniversary. Sean started the day by making me breakfast in bed. It was amazing. Then we took the kids to the park so that Jake could ride his new bike. When we got home we had lunch and put the kids down for a nap and made chocolate fondue. We grilled hamburgers for dinner and watched fireworks. It was a really nice to be together all day as a family and celebrate two years together on Americas 255th birthday.

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